. “Allow me,” the doctor said, “to give you a word of advice, Miss Pellissier. “She found my collection of witchcraft books under my bed and threw them away. He pointed to where the lights still burned in Anna’s windows. Jack affected to close the door, but left it slightly ajar. Other phrases returned now, like echoes. "I thought it best that you should imagine him. Horrors abounded in every passageway as each turn could bring a vision of a poor woman running from her screaming plague-infested son or a bloated corpse of a rich man whose mouth lolled open, showing gaps where someone had pried out a few golden teeth. " "A short man, isn't he, about your height, Sir,—with a yellow beard, and a face as sly as a fox's?" "Hem!" replied Wood, coughing slightly to conceal a smile; "the description's not amiss.
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